Au Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro demande à « tous les pouvoirs de l’Etat » d’agir d’une « main de fer »

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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro speaks to the media after appearing before the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) in Caracas on August 9, 2024. FEDERICO PARRA / AFP Barbancourt the rum of connoisseurs Venezuela’s attorney general reported on Monday August 12 a death toll of 25 and 192 injured in the unrest that followed


Venezuela’s attorney general reported on Monday, August 12, a death toll of 25 and 192 injuries during the unrest that followed the contested proclamation of victory of the incumbent Nicolas Maduro in the presidential election of July 28.

“Twenty-five people were killed, including two members of the Bolivarian National Guard, in just forty-eight hours (…) between July 29 and 30,” announced prosecutor Tarek William Saab during a meeting of the Council of Defense and State, also mentioning “192 injured by firearms, bladed weapons, various blunt objects and incendiary bombs . “

The prosecutor particularly accused the opposition, assuring that “all these deaths can be attributed to the criminal groups manipulated by the ‘comanditos'”, the names given to the opposition militant groups.

At the same meeting, Nicolas Maduro demanded, “as head of state, head of government and president of Venezuela, from all the powers of the State greater speed, greater efficiency and an iron fist in the face of crime, violence and hate crimes, an iron fist and severe justice . “

“See you on the 17th”

Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado called on Sunday for a demonstration on Saturday, August 17, to have the opposition’s “victory” in the presidential election recognized . “This Saturday, August 17, we will take to the streets of Venezuela and the world (…) let’s shout together so that the world supports our victory and recognizes the truth and popular sovereignty,” declared M moi Machado, who has been living in hiding for about ten days, on social media .

The opposition candidate, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, who replaced Ms. Machado – declared ineligible by the government – ​​told him: “We have won, Venezuela has won (…) see you on the 17th.” On Saturday, he called on Mr. Maduro “to put an end to the violence and persecution . “

The post-election unrest of spontaneous demonstrations had been repressed by the police, who had not intervened on August 3 during an opposition rally in Caracas. Since then, the opposition had not called for demonstrations.

The National Electoral Council (CNE) ratified Mr. Maduro’s victory on August 2 with 52% of the vote, without making public the exact count and the minutes of the polling stations, claiming to have been the victim of computer hacking.

According to the opposition, which published the minutes obtained through its poll workers – whose legitimacy is rejected by Mr. Maduro – Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia won the election with 67% of the vote. The opposition and many observers believe that the hacking claimed by the CNE is an invention of the government to avoid publishing the electoral documents.

The World with AFP

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